How to be strategic on LinkedIn

Someone told me the other day:

"I'm not active on LinkedIn, I don't share posts very often but I engage with other people's posts and send DMs"

Here is a big secret...

(not really)

... LinkedIn success is not defined by the number of posts you are sharing

It’s about how you connect, show up, and bring value.

What counts as success instead:

✔️ meaningful connections
✔️ building authority
✔️ nailing your messaging
✔️ reminding people who you are
✔️ reminding people what you do
✔️ attracting new opportunities

It all starts with what you want to achieve. 

A strategy helps you meet your objectives without trying harder.

Let's say you want to boost your engagement.

Winging it can lead to some positive results but having a plan in place will help you plan things ahead, monitor what's working, and learn from your experiments.

If you want to attract new clients, you want to start with relationship building, build your authority, and remind people who you are and what you do.

In order to make these happen (or anything you set as your own objective), you need to focus on 3 things:

◾️ Positioning 👉🏼 this is all about who you are, how you communicate your work, and what you want to be known for. It's your personal brand and how you stand out from others. It starts from an optimised profile and it goes all the way to the content you create and how it shapes your messaging.

◾️Influence 👉🏼 this is the thought leadership piece and it starts by adding value. The more you add value, the easier it becomes from people to remember you and trust you.

◾️Network 👉🏼 your network isn't just numbers, it's connections you make with other professionals, like-minded individuals, old colleagues, potential clients, etc. These are the people who see your posts more often (and vice versa) so you want to make sure you engage with the right audience.

Before you jump into creating more content, you need to know:

  • Who you are

  • What you do

  • Who you know (or who you want to meet)

  • What you want others to know about you

  • How you define 'thought leadership' for yourself

All these don't necessarily have to be complicated and time-consuming.

It's about spending even 1h to confirm your focus and how you will approach your LinkedIn presence.

➡️ It's up to you to decide how you balance all three - as long as you remember that they all play a part in 'being seen more'

PS. Need to improve your visibility and marketing plan? Feel free to book a Power Hour and we can have a deep dive into your online presence.


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